This Now
This Now
009: Take Heart!
Hi folks! In this episode, I'll be sharing poems that explore God's faithfulness to me, and talking a bit about my experience of that through the 32 years I've been a follower of Jesus – and how He's there for you, too!
I'll also be sharing the results of the questionnaire – huge thanks to everyone who filled it in! – and, based on those results, my plans for future episodes of This Now. (I'd still love to hear your feedback, though! See contact details below.)
I hope this episode will help you to find Jesus, and His love and faithfulness, in whatever season of life you may be in right now.
Welcome to episode 9!
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If you're interested in checking out the Lectio 365 app I mention, you can find out about it here.
Here's the video on Facebook.
And here are the slides I used in the video.